Kerry always manages to know when to push, support or just give a knowing wink of confidence.
Tom Hobden, Choreographer and Artistic Director of UNIT
Creative Coaching
Kerry is one of the UK’s most sought after dance artists and Senior Creative Coaches, with many years of hands-on experience. Her success lies in her motivational and empathic
KND Creative Coaching encompasses mentoring, coaching, illustrative sharing, goal setting and life planning strategies, and Kerry has developed language and techniques for building success. Recognising the gap between theory and practice, Kerry and the artist work together to discuss and create tools to help take action and make lasting, positive change. We believe that through intelligent planning and focused effort, we can all achieve the career that fulfils and sustains us.
There are options for individuals, companies and organisations to book sessions with Kerry at all stages of their development. Kerry has experience of coaching individuals whilst in training, post graduation or as an established artist or leader – and is also currently influencing many budding mentors to begin their journey in supporting others. These one-to-one sessions are offered as both singular sessions or as part of a series.
Kerry’s coaching approach is one of partnership, providing both challenge and support, connecting the achievement between potential and creative outcome. It builds resourcefulness, self-awareness and resilience, all essential qualities for the 21st century artist. At the heart of her coaching is the desire to place the individual at the centre of their learning and to be the leader of their own empowerment. Many of our participants report increased creative energy, clarity, focus and confidence to achieve their full potential.
KND Creative Coaching is a holistic process that focusses on the whole artist, exploring their goals both inside and outside the studio. To achieve this, the process begins by Kerry seeing the individual at work – either live in the studio or via digital footage – and then using this information to tailor the one-to-one coaching sessions.
If you are interested in learning more about how Creative Coaching could work for you personally do contact or go to our ‘Connect with KND’ page and send us a message.